2021 Pepper Fest Medallion Hunt Clues
/The 2021 Pepper Fest Medallion was Found!
It was located in the Village of North Hudson but on City of Hudson property. It was in a culvert near the Booster Fields on Krattley Lane.
Scroll below to find out the meaning to each clue.
2021 Pepper Fest Medallion Hunt Clues
The first clue will be posted by NOON on Friday, August 13th, and by NOON each day thereafter.
Before you begin, make sure you’ve read the rules!
Clue #1 - Friday, August 13th
A point of attention should be where the medallion is located this year.
Hudson City / Village of North Hudson Public Property I hear.
Construction all around,
but not where the medallion will be found!
It’s not at the Village Hall so don’t waste your time.
Remember to behave and have a good time.
Boy this is hard trying to make everything rhyme!
Clue #2 - Saturday, August 14th
Thousands of gallons of water are near but cannot be seen
I’m hidden close by if you know what I mean
Meaning: This clue was pointing hunters to the North Hudson Water Tower
Clue #3 - Sunday, August 15th
Water may go right by my hiding spot.
But when there is a drought - then, well, maybe not.
Meaning: The Medallion was hidden in a culvert
Clue #4 - Monday, August 16th
Loud bangs, like the fourth of July, can sometimes be heard.
Cars may drive pass me but I have yet to be stirred.
Meaning: The Medallion was near the Rod & Gun Club
Clue #5 - Tuesday, August 17th
Kids may be playing nearby, on a perfectly mowed lawn.
A dog just walked passed me, or was that a fawn?
Meaning: Kids may be playing on the Booster Fields and it’s near the Road & Gun Club Road
Clue #6 - Wednesday, August 18th
Energetic and enthusiastic supporter +
A Chicago Bear Quarterback =
You’re very near!
Meaning: Booster + Fields
Clue #7 - Thursday, August 19th
Candy Canes are visible from years long ago.
You’re close now, but you will have to leave the road.
Meaning: The old landfill was east of the Medallion
The Medallion is 6 inches round