2024 Board of Directors (L to R): Zach Stilwell, Beth Hatch, Don Bouzard, Melissa STeiner, Tim Zais, Melissa Pedersen, Vicki Sippel, Hannah Johnson, Julian Hannack, & Jordan Loken
Board of Directors
2024 Board of Directors
President Tim Zais
Vice President Julian Hannack
Treasurer Don Bouzard
Secretary Vicki Sippel
Board Members:
Beth Hatch, Hannah Johnson, Jordan Loken, Melissa Pedersen, Melissa Steiner, & Zach Stilwell
Join the Pepper Fest Board
The Pepper Fest Board is comprised of dedicated, hard-working Volunteers who meet monthly to organize, plan and execute the annual Pepper Festival. The Pepper Fest Board is continually looking for new Board Members who can bring their knowledge and strengths to the Board.
If you are interested in being considered to join the Pepper Fest Board, please submit your application below.
If you know of someone who would be a great asset to the Pepper Fest Board, please reach out to them and ask them to consider completing the Pepper Fest Board Application.
About the Pepper Fest Board
The Pepper Fest Board consists of Volunteers dedicated to enhancing the community of North Hudson, Wisconsin and the St. Croix Valley by organizing, planning and executing the annual Pepper Festival where proceeds are donated to local youth, school, community and service organizations.
Pepper Fest Membership: Any adult who during the immediate past 12-month period has attended two Pepper Fest Meetings is considered a Member of Pepper Fest. There is no residency requirement.
Pepper Fest Board Nominations: Nominations are made in advance of the Pepper Fest Annual Meeting.
Pepper Fest Board Elections: Elections occur at the Pepper Fest Annual Meeting. Only Pepper Fest Members in attendance of the Annual Meeting are permitted to cast a vote for the election of Board Members. Proxy and absentee votes are prohibited.
Number of Board Members: The number of Board Members is typically 10-12 people.
Length of Term: Board Members are elected for two-year terms.
Qualifications: An individual shall have prior experience serving on a non-profit Board, general business or entrepreneurial experience and/or shall have a desire to pay it forward with their knowledge and skill(s).
Pepper Fest Board Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer): Officers are elected by the Pepper Fest Board following the Annual Meeting. They serve a one year term or until their replacements are elected and qualified.