2022 Pepper Fest Calendar Raffle

If you purchased a $20 Calendar Raffle Ticket, you’ll have 16 chances to win with a total payout of $1,050!

Ticket sales ran from Saturday, May 21st - July 4th, 2022.


  • Drawings occur on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from July 6th - August 17th, with additional drawings occurring during Pepper Fest on Friday, August 19th, Saturday, August 20th and Sunday, August 21st.

  • Drawings are held each drawing day at Pepper Fest Park, 400 7th St. N, Hudson, WI 54016 at 7:00pm


  • Need not be present to win

  • There are multiple chances to win - each winning ticket is eligible for the next drawings

  • Checks will be mailed to the winners

  • If for any reason the minimum of 100 calendar tickets is not reached, all sales will be refunded and the raffle canceled

  • Winners will be posted on this Pepper Fest webpage as drawings are held

Drawing Dates, Amounts and Winners:

  • July 6th: $100 Winner: Mary Sova

  • July 11th: $50 Winner: Katy Fox (#2003)

  • July 13th: $50 Winner: Brenda St. Ores (#2414)

  • July 18th: $50 Winner: David Hogan (#2432)

  • July 20th: $50 Winner: Jim Kirkevold (#2434)

  • July 25th: $50 Winner: Jennifer Dzioba (#2155)

  • July 27th: $50 Winner: Howard Cameron (#2180)

  • August 1st: $50 Winner: Mike Haslup (#2091)

  • August 3rd: $50 Winner: Courtney Hedin (#2146)

  • August 8th: $50 Winner: Paul Damon (#2178)

  • August 10th: $50 Winner: Ryan Copeland (#2501)

  • August 15th: $50 Winner: Mike Steele (#2018)

  • August 17th: $50 Winner: Ryan Copeland (#2501)

  • August 19th: $50 Winner: Sally Hilsgen (#2349)

  • August 20th: $100 Winner: David Marshall (#2499)

  • August 21st: $200 Winner: Jordan Loken (#2125)

Proceeds benefit the North Hudson Pepper Festival and the future Pepper Fest Park Community Center.