Pepper Fest 2020
/Family, Friends and Supporters of Pepper Fest,
The traditional North Hudson Pepper Fest, as we know and love it, is canceled for 2020. It was a sad and difficult decision for the Pepper Fest Board, and it was not taken lightly. All options and scenarios were explored and discussed. But with the given circumstances surrounding COVID-19, the risks are just too high. The health and safety of Pepper Fest attendees, volunteers and our community are our highest priority. By sitting this one out, we also preserve the vitality and guarantee the future of our non-profit, volunteer-run festival; the Community Giving to many local organizations; and the steps Pepper Fest has taken to enhance our community with the future Community Center in Pepper Fest Park.
The 2020 Pepper Fest Royalty was asked to continue their ambassadorship for one additional year. This allows the 2020 Royalty to participate in a few events still taking place this summer and hopefully a full summer of Parades and events in 2021. All members of the 2020 Pepper Fest Royalty have committed to continuing their reign.
With all of this being said, the Pepper Fest Board, like many of you, wants to still honor our community’s Italian heritage and raise funds for the many local organizations that Pepper Fest gives back to each year. The Board is continuing to find alternative ways to celebrate Pepper Fest through small in-person, online and virtual events throughout this summer. One event already on the calendar is the Pepper Fest Golf Tournament August 17th at Pheasant Hills Golf Course.
Pepper Fest will also be participating in an event that is a throwback to Pepper Fest 1974. Pepper Fest took a hiatus from 1963 – 1973. It returned in 1974 and was held in the parking lot of Sam’s Italian Restaurant, the location known until recently as Season’s Tavern. A few local North Hudson establishments are grabbing hold of this old-school idea with their creation of Can’t Stop the Heat, August 21-22, 2020.
Kozy Korner, Guv’s Place, The Village Inn, The Mallalieu Inn and Starr’s Bar are planning to host a variety of physically distant, safe events at their establishments to celebrate and honor the North Hudson community and Pepper Fest. The North Hudson Pepper Festival plans to participate in their event with a few Pepper Fest homemade Italian food favorites (available to go), exclusive Pepper Fest merchandise and raffles. Proceeds from the sales of Pepper Fest food, merchandise and raffles at this event will support Pepper Fest’s Community Giving and the future Community Center. Stay tuned for additional details coming soon for the Can’t Stop the Heat event.
The Pepper Fest Board looks forward to seeing many of you at the Golf Tournament and the Can’t Stop the Heat event this August! Be sure to mark your calendars for 2021 as we return to welcoming the community back to our HOT, FUN, COMMUNITY, SPICY, FAMILY, TRADITION of the North Hudson Pepper Festival on August 20 – 22, 2021.
- Pepper Fest Board of Directors