2023 Pepper Fest Calendar Raffle
/With the purchase of a $20 Calendar Raffle Ticket, you’ll have 16 chances to win with a total payout of $1050!
Ticket sales began Sunday, May 21st and ended Monday, July 3rd, 2023.
Drawings occur on Mondays and Wednesdays from July 5th - August 16th, with additional drawings occurring during Pepper Fest on Friday, August 18th, Saturday, August 19th, and Sunday, August 20th.
Drawings are held each drawing day at Pepper Fest Park, 400 7th St. N, Hudson, WI 54016 at 7:00pm.
Need not be present to win
There are multiple chances to win - each winning ticket is eligible for the next drawings
Checks will be mailed to the winners
If for any reason the minimum of 100 calendar tickets is not reached, all sales will be refunded and the raffle canceled
Winners will be posted on this Pepper Fest webpage as drawings are held
Drawing Dates, Amounts and Winners:
July 5th: $100 Winner - Jessie Saul (ticket #3139)
July 10th: $50 Winner - Brenda Johnson (ticket #3261)
July 12th: $50 Winner - Jason Dierks (ticket #3473)
July 17th: $50 Winner - Joe Vindal (ticket #3279)
July 19th: $50 Winner - Dave Lloyd (ticket #3419)
July 24th: $50 Winner - Becky Turnbull (ticket #3149)
July 26th: $50 Winner - Dusty Keller (ticket #3240)
July 31st: $50 Winner - Paul Emerson (ticket #3439)
August 2nd: $50 Winner - Marki Westling (ticket #3405)
August 7th: $50 Winner - Ron Keller (ticket #3296)
August 9th: $50 Winner - Greg Hedin (ticket #3475)
August 14th: $50 Winner - Greg Dornfeld (ticket #3116)
August 16th: $50 Winner - Jessie Saul (ticket #3140)
August 18th: $50 Winner - Ryan Nelson (ticket #3237)
August 19th: $100 Winner - Shayna Alling (ticket #3008)
August 20th: $200 Winner - Milo Leitzke (ticket #3040)
Proceeds benefit the North Hudson Pepper Festival and the future Pepper Fest Park Community Center.