2023 Pepper Fest Calendar Raffle

With the purchase of a $20 Calendar Raffle Ticket, you’ll have 16 chances to win with a total payout of $1050!

Ticket sales began Sunday, May 21st and ended Monday, July 3rd, 2023.


  • Drawings occur on Mondays and Wednesdays from July 5th - August 16th, with additional drawings occurring during Pepper Fest on Friday, August 18th, Saturday, August 19th, and Sunday, August 20th.

  • Drawings are held each drawing day at Pepper Fest Park, 400 7th St. N, Hudson, WI 54016 at 7:00pm.


  • Need not be present to win

  • There are multiple chances to win - each winning ticket is eligible for the next drawings

  • Checks will be mailed to the winners

  • If for any reason the minimum of 100 calendar tickets is not reached, all sales will be refunded and the raffle canceled

  • Winners will be posted on this Pepper Fest webpage as drawings are held

Drawing Dates, Amounts and Winners:

  • July 5th: $100 Winner - Jessie Saul (ticket #3139)

  • July 10th: $50 Winner - Brenda Johnson (ticket #3261)

  • July 12th: $50 Winner - Jason Dierks (ticket #3473)

  • July 17th: $50 Winner - Joe Vindal (ticket #3279)

  • July 19th: $50 Winner - Dave Lloyd (ticket #3419)

  • July 24th: $50 Winner - Becky Turnbull (ticket #3149)

  • July 26th: $50 Winner - Dusty Keller (ticket #3240)

  • July 31st: $50 Winner - Paul Emerson (ticket #3439)

  • August 2nd: $50 Winner - Marki Westling (ticket #3405)

  • August 7th: $50 Winner - Ron Keller (ticket #3296)

  • August 9th: $50 Winner - Greg Hedin (ticket #3475)

  • August 14th: $50 Winner - Greg Dornfeld (ticket #3116)

  • August 16th: $50 Winner - Jessie Saul (ticket #3140)

  • August 18th: $50 Winner - Ryan Nelson (ticket #3237)

  • August 19th: $100 Winner - Shayna Alling (ticket #3008)

  • August 20th: $200 Winner - Milo Leitzke (ticket #3040)

Proceeds benefit the North Hudson Pepper Festival and the future Pepper Fest Park Community Center.