Each year, current Visiting Royalty Teams compete to be crowned the Pepper Festival Royalty Spaghetti Eating Champs!
Teams must consist of 4 current royalty members. If your court does not have 4 members or 4 members willing to participate, start talking to your Royalty friends to form a team of 4. Teams may be made of “mixed” courts. Pepper Fest will also have Candidates available to join a team if needed.
Only 1 Team per Royalty group is allowed to register. The Royalty Spaghetti Eating Contest is a popular event and in the interest of time and fairness to all, one team per group allows for more Visiting Royalty to take part in this fun and memorable event.
24 Teams total, NO WAITING LIST
Royalty Spaghetti Eating Contest Rules:
Each team member is expected to consume 1/2 pound of spaghetti within 2 minutes or less. If a contestant hits 2 minutes without finishing, a 30 second penalty is added to their team’s overall time and the next contestant is given the go ahead to begin.
Only sauce or water may be used to “moisten” spaghetti
Plates must remain on the table
No breaking up spaghetti - your team could be disqualified or your place replaced if caught before timing begins
All spaghetti must be consumed. If it falls off the plate, it must be eaten. If too much ends up on the floor, you may be assessed a 30 second penalty. If any spaghetti “returns” before your turn is complete, it must be consumed or a 30 second penalty will be added to your time At any time if a contestant feels the need, they may stop and they will be assessed a time of 2 minutes plus a 30 second penalty.
The mouth must be determined “spaghetti free” by the judge before the next contestant begins. The contestant may only begin on the judge’s go ahead. The Team with the best OVERALL time wins. There will be one overall time kept and each contestant will be timed individually. Individual times will not be totaled up for the overall time. All penalties (if any) will be assessed and added on to the overall time before time is announced.
The winning team will each receive a Spaghetti Champ t-shirt. Each participant will receive a participant certificate with their individual time.