Join us for the 7th Annual Pepper Fest Market under the South Tent.
Potential Crafters and Vendors
All Pepper Fest Market Vendors must apply by Friday, August 2nd (application link below).
All Pepper Fest Market Vendors must be approved. All applicants will be notified, via email, of final approval by Tuesday, August 6th.
Space is limited.
Table spaces are under the Pepper Fest South Tent (near the intersection of St. Croix St. N and Seventh St. N)
Choose your space size.
An 8-foot table space (table and two chairs included): $25
A 10x10’ booth space (table and two chairs available): $75
Please Note there are only THREE 10x10’ booth spaces available
These spaces are on the outside perimeter of the Pepper Fest South Tent. Please provide your own pop-up tent if needed.
If approved, please mail your payment to:
Pepper Fest, Attn: Market, PO Box 432, Hudson, WI 54016
Setup: During setup, vehicles may only be allowed into the festival grounds between 7:30am - 8:00am. After 8:00am, vehicles will not be allowed and any vehicles in the festival grounds will need to move. This is due to the Pepper Fest Foot Races beginning near the Market area between 8:15am - 8:30am. Please be prepared to cart (or hand carry) merchandise/items into the festival grounds after 8:00am.
Setup Hours are Sunday, August 18th from 7:30am - 8:45am. All vendors should be ready to go at 9:00am.
Teardown: Please be prepared to cart (or hand carry) merchandise/items out of the festival grounds for teardown. Vehicles will not be allowed into the festival grounds during teardown.
Please Note: Due to the Pepper Fest Royalty Coronation beginning at 3:00pm, Vendors may choose to tear down at 2:00pm or stay set up until 5:00pm, after the Coronation. Typically the Coronation ends between 4:00pm - 4:30pm so there may be additional Market traffic after the Coronation.
For those that would like to end at 2:00pm, please complete your teardown by 3:00pm.
For those that would like to stay until 5:00pm, please begin teardown at 5:00pm.
The Pancake Breakfast is also under the South Tent from 8:30am - 11:00am.